Rest. Reconnect. Renew.
Sanctuary is a new environment we’ve created at Neighborhood Church. It’s a space where you can join others to pause, reflect, heal, and connect with Jesus. With the guidance of our resident Spiritual Director, you will be taken on a journey—from the hustle and bustle of everyday life—into an atmosphere of divine love. Think of it as a Spiritual Formation retreat in your own backyard. Check out the details of our next sessions below.
Sanctuary at Neighborhood Church
Saturday, March 18th | 9AM-12PM
Sanctuary is an environment where individuals can come to rest, reconnect, and renew. It is a three-hour mini-retreat hosted at Neighborhood Church. Sessions include guided prayer, reflection, moments of silence & solitude, and worship.
Sanctuary is an invitation into rest and receiving. It is an opportunity for you to create space in your hectic life and be present to God, yourself and others.
We want to create an environment where individuals can find refuge from the chaos, confusion, and maddening pace of everyday life. Theologians and psychologists both agree—we all need moments rest, reflection, and peace. These habits are crucial to our mental and spiritual wellbeing. It’s also how we can cultivate greater self awareness and intimacy with our creator.
“To walk with Jesus is to walk with a slow, unhurried pace. Hurry is the death of prayer and only impedes and spoils our work. It never advances it.” —John Mark Comer
Sanctuary is an intentional rebellion against our culture of busyness and hurry. It can be tempting to think our value is found in what we do. Sanctuary is a space to come and be reminded that life with God is rooted in being with God.
Spiritual formation is the slow process in which we are formed in the likeness of Jesus for the sake of others. It is simultaneously deeply personal and communal. Spiritual formation invites us to notice the kind of person we have become and to be reformed to be like Jesus-loving, spacious, and free.
No. While these sessions are rooted in historic Christian spiritual rhythms, participation is not strictly limited to believers. At Neighborhood, you can belong before you believe. Whatever your faith journey looks like, we think you will find these sessions healing and illuminating.
Regardless of your beliefs, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or personal theology—you are welcome in this space. Sanctuary is designed to be an inclusive environment for everyone.
Sanctuary is an invitation into a retreat from all of the “shoulds” in our lives and an invitation into being yourself with God. We hope that it feels like one big exhale in the midst of your life. We will offer space to share authentically and listen to each other with compassion and understanding.