Ready to Help Out?
Part of this week’s message was an invitation to help out at Neighborhood Church! We have a number of teams and opportunities to serve, regardless of your skills or availability. If you’re willing to give one hour a month, you can make a real difference in our community! Check out Sunday’s message above, then, continue the conversation with the reading plan and resources below.
Once again, we want to encourage you to read the entire 1 Corinthians letter this week. Each reading should teach you something fresh! It will take about an hour in total.
Monday: 1 Corinthians 1-3
Tuesday: 1 Corinthians 4-6
Wednesday: 1 Corinthians 7-9
Thursday: 1 Corinthians 10-12
Friday: 1 Corinthians 13-14
Saturday: 1 Corinthians 15-16
Check out the resources used in this week’s teaching, as well as books you can explore if you’d like to dive deeper into our conversation.
Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, NIV
First-Century Study Bible, NIV
Paul for Everyone: 1 Corinthians, by N.T. Wright
The First Epistle to the Corinthians, by Gordon D. Fee
Apostle of the Crucified Lord, by Michael J. Gorman
Reminiscences of Early Circuit Life, by Rev. James Erwin
Fields of Blood, by Karen Armstrong
The Triumph of Christianity, by Bart Ehrman
How Churches Became Cruise Ships, by Skye Jethani
What if Jesus Was Serious About the Church, by Skye Jethani
Check out The Bible Project’s summary video of 1 Corinthians.:
Also, check out this free masters level class from The Bible Project with nearly 14 hours of digital content:
What were some of your big takeaways from Sunday’s message?
What does it look like when we bring a “consumer” mindset into our church community?
In what ways does this mindset harm our community?
Our tendency is to be self-centered, but Jesus invites us to orient our lives around others. What does it look like to respond to this invitation, specifically in our church community?
Share a story about someone who made a positive impact on your life through serving.
What do you think would happen if more people at Neighborhood Church started participating rather than spectating? How would that impact our community?